- healpy.sphtfunc.smoothing(map_in, fwhm=0.0, sigma=None, beam_window=None, pol=True, iter=3, lmax=None, mmax=None, use_weights=False, use_pixel_weights=False, datapath=None, verbose=True, nest=False)¶
Smooth a map with a Gaussian symmetric beam.
No removal of monopole or dipole is performed.
- Parameters:
- map_inarray or sequence of 3 arrays
Either an array representing one map, or a sequence of 3 arrays representing 3 maps, accepts masked arrays
- fwhmfloat, optional
The full width half max parameter of the Gaussian [in radians]. Default:0.0
- sigmafloat, optional
The sigma of the Gaussian [in radians]. Override fwhm.
- beam_window: array, optional
Custom beam window function. Override fwhm and sigma.
- polbool, optional
If True, assumes input maps are TQU. Output will be TQU maps. (input must be 1 or 3 alms) If False, each map is assumed to be a spin 0 map and is treated independently (input can be any number of alms). If there is only one input map, it has no effect. Default: True.
- iterint, scalar, optional
Number of iteration (default: 3)
- lmaxint, scalar, optional
Maximum l of the power spectrum. Default: 3*nside-1
- mmaxint, scalar, optional
Maximum m of the alm. Default: lmax
- use_weights: bool, scalar, optional
If True, use the ring weighting. Default: False.
- use_pixel_weights: bool, optional
If True, use pixel by pixel weighting, healpy will automatically download the weights, if needed See the map2alm docs for details about weighting
- datapathNone or str, optional
If given, the directory where to find the pixel weights data. See the docstring of map2alm for details on how to set it up
- verbosebool, optional
Deprecated, has not effect.
- nestbool, optional
If True, the input map ordering is assumed to be NESTED. Default: False (RING) This function will temporary reorder the NESTED map into RING to perform the smoothing and order the output back to NESTED. If the map is in RING ordering no internal reordering will be performed.
- Returns:
- mapsarray or list of 3 arrays
The smoothed map(s)