sphtfunc – Spherical harmonic transforms

From map to spherical harmonics

anafast(map1[, map2, nspec, lmax, mmax, ...])

Computes the power spectrum of a Healpix map, or the cross-spectrum between two maps if map2 is given.

map2alm(maps[, lmax, mmax, iter, pol, ...])

Computes the alm of a Healpix map.

map2alm_spin(maps, spin[, lmax, mmax])

Computes the spinned alm of a 2 Healpix maps.

map2alm_lsq(maps, lmax, mmax[, pol, tol, ...])

Runs an iterative map analysis up to (lmax, mmax) and returns the result including its quality.

From spherical harmonics to map

synfast(cls, nside[, lmax, mmax, alm, pol, ...])

Create a map(s) from cl(s).

alm2map(alms, nside[, lmax, mmax, pixwin, ...])

Computes a Healpix map given the alm.

alm2map_der1(alm, nside[, lmax, mmax])

Computes a Healpix map and its first derivatives given the alm.

alm2map_spin(alms, nside, spin, lmax[, mmax])

Computes maps from a set of 2 spinned alm

Spherical harmonic transform tools

smoothing(map_in[, fwhm, sigma, ...])

Smooth a map with a Gaussian symmetric beam.

smoothalm(alms[, fwhm, sigma, beam_window, ...])

Smooth alm with a Gaussian symmetric beam function.

alm2cl(alms1[, alms2, lmax, mmax, lmax_out, ...])

Computes (cross-)spectra from alm(s).

synalm(cls[, lmax, mmax, new, verbose])

Generate a set of alm given cl.

almxfl(alm, fl[, mmax, inplace])

Multiply alm by a function of l.

pixwin(nside[, pol, lmax])

Return the pixel window function for the given nside.


This class provides some static methods for alm index computation.

resize_alm(alm, lmax, mmax, lmax_out, mmax_out)

Returns a resized copy of the input a_lm, either truncated or padded with zeros.

Other tools

gauss_beam(fwhm[, lmax, pol])

Gaussian beam window function

beam2bl(beam, theta, lmax)

Computes a transfer (or window) function b(l) in spherical harmonic space from its circular beam profile b(theta) in real space.

bl2beam(bl, theta)

Computes a circular beam profile b(theta) in real space from its transfer (or window) function b(l) in spherical harmonic space.