- healpy.pixelfunc.remove_monopole(m, nest=False, bad=-1.6375e+30, gal_cut=0, fitval=False, copy=True, verbose=True)¶
Fit and subtract the monopole from the given map m.
- Parameters:
- mfloat, array-like
the map to which a monopole is fitted and subtracted
- nestbool
m is assumed in RING scheme, otherwise map is NESTED- badfloat
bad values of pixel, default to
.- gal_cutfloat [degrees]
pixels at latitude in [-gal_cut;+gal_cut] are not taken into account
- fitvalbool
whether to return or not the fitted value of monopole
- copybool
whether to modify input map or not (by default, make a copy)
- verbose: bool
deprecated, no effect
- Returns:
- resarray or tuple of length 3
if fitval is False, returns map with monopole subtracted, otherwise, returns map (array, in res[0]) and monopole (float, in res[1])
See also