- healpy.pixelfunc.nside2resol(nside, arcmin=False)¶
Give approximate resolution (pixel size in radian or arcmin) for nside.
Resolution is just the square root of the pixel area, which is a gross approximation given the different pixel shapes
- Parameters:
- nsideint
healpix nside parameter, must be a power of 2, less than 2**30
- arcminbool
if True, return resolution in arcmin, otherwise in radian
- Returns:
- resolfloat
approximate pixel size in radians or arcmin
Raise a ValueError exception if nside is not valid.
>>> import healpy as hp >>> hp.nside2resol(128, arcmin = True) 27.483891294539248
>>> hp.nside2resol(256) 0.0039973699529159707
>>> hp.nside2resol(7) 0.1461895297066412