
GnomonicAxes.fill(*args, **kwargs)

Plot filled polygons.

Call signature:

fill(*args, **kwargs)

args is a variable length argument, allowing for multiple x, y pairs with an optional color format string; see plot() for details on the argument parsing. For example, to plot a polygon with vertices at x, y in blue.:

ax.fill(x,y, 'b' )

An arbitrary number of x, y, color groups can be specified:

ax.fill(x1, y1, 'g', x2, y2, 'r')

Return value is a list of Patch instances that were added.

The same color strings that plot() supports are supported by the fill format string.

If you would like to fill below a curve, e.g., shade a region between 0 and y along x, use fill_between()

The closed kwarg will close the polygon when True (default).

kwargs control the Polygon properties:

agg_filter: unknown alpha: float or None animated: [True | False] antialiased or aa: [True | False] or None for default axes: an Axes instance clip_box: a matplotlib.transforms.Bbox instance clip_on: [True | False] clip_path: [ (Path, Transform) | Patch | None ] color: matplotlib color spec contains: a callable function edgecolor or ec: mpl color spec, or None for default, or ‘none’ for no color facecolor or fc: mpl color spec, or None for default, or ‘none’ for no color figure: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance fill: [True | False] gid: an id string hatch: [‘/’ | ‘\’ | ‘|’ | ‘-‘ | ‘+’ | ‘x’ | ‘o’ | ‘O’ | ‘.’ | ‘*’] label: string or anything printable with ‘%s’ conversion. linestyle or ls: [‘solid’ | ‘dashed’ | ‘dashdot’ | ‘dotted’] linewidth or lw: float or None for default lod: [True | False] path_effects: unknown picker: [None|float|boolean|callable] rasterized: [True | False | None] sketch_params: unknown snap: unknown transform: Transform instance url: a url string visible: [True | False] zorder: any number
