
healpy.fitsfunc.write_map(filename, m, nest=False, dtype=<class 'Mock'>, fits_IDL=True, coord=None)

Writes an healpix map into an healpix file.

Parameters :

filename : str

the fits file name

m : array or sequence of 3 arrays

the map to write. Possibly a sequence of 3 maps of same size. They will be considered as I, Q, U maps. Supports masked maps, see the ma function.

nest : bool, optional

If False, ordering scheme is NESTED, otherwise, it is RING. Default: RING.

fits_IDL : bool, optional

If True, reshapes columns in rows of 1024, otherwise all the data will go in one column. Default: True

coord : str

The coordinate system, typically ‘E’ for Ecliptic, ‘G’ for Galactic or ‘Q’ for Equatorial

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