
SphericalProjAxes.projmap(map, vec2pix_func, vmin=None, vmax=None, badval=<class 'Mock'>, cmap=None, norm=None, rot=None, coord=None, **kwds)

Project a map on the SphericalProjAxes.

Parameters :

map : array-like

The map to project.

vec2pix_func : function

The function describing the pixelisation.

vmin, vmax : float, scalars

min and max value to use instead of min max of the map

badval : float

The value of the bad pixels

cmap : a color map

The colormap to use (see matplotlib.cm)

rot : sequence

In the form (lon, lat, psi) (unit: degree):the center of the map is at (lon, lat) and rotated by angle psi around that direction.

coord : {‘G’, ‘E’, ‘C’, None}

The coordinate system of the map (‘G’,’E’ or ‘C’), rotate the map if different from the axes coord syst.


Other keywords are transmitted to matplotlib.Axes.imshow()

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