
class healpy.projaxes.GnomonicAxes(*args, **kwds)

Define a gnomonic Axes to handle gnomonic projection.

  • rot=, coord= : define rotation and coordinate system. See rotator.
  • coordprec= : number of digit after floating point for coordinates display.
  • format= : format string for value display.

Other keywords from Axes (see Axes).


delgraticules() Delete all graticules previously created on the Axes.
format_coord(x, y) Format the coordinate for display in status bar.
get_lonlat(x, y) Get the coordinate in the coord system of the image, in lon/lat in deg.
get_meridian_interval(vx[, vy, vz]) Get the min and max value of phi of the meridians to cover the field of view.
get_parallel_interval(vx[, vy, vz]) Get the min and max value of theta of the parallel to cover the field of view.
get_value(x, y) Get the value of the map at position x,y
graticule([dpar, dmer, coord, local, verbose]) Draw a graticule.
projmap(map, vec2pix_func[, xsize, ysize, reso])
projplot(*args, **kwds) projplot is a wrapper around matplotlib.Axes.plot() to take into account the
projscatter(theta[, phi]) Projscatter is a wrapper around matplotlib.Axes.scatter() to take into account the
projtext(theta, phi, s, **kwds) Projtext is a wrapper around matplotlib.Axes.text() to take into account the
set_coordprec(n) Set the number of digits after floating point for coord display.
set_format(f) Set the format string for value display

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