
healpy.pixelfunc.pix2vec(nside, ipix, nest=False)

pix2vec : nside,ipix,nest=False -> x,y,z (default RING)

Parameters :

nside : int, scalar or array-like

The healpix nside parameter, must be a power of 2

ipix : int, scalar or array-like

Healpix pixel number

nest : bool, optional

if True, assume NESTED pixel ordering, otherwise, RING pixel ordering

Returns :

x, y, z : floats, scalar or array-like

The coordinates of vector corresponding to input pixels. Scalar if all input are scalar, array otherwise. Usual numpy broadcasting rules apply.

See also

ang2pix, pix2ang, vec2pix


>>> import healpy as hp
>>> hp.pix2vec(16, 1504)
(0.99879545620517241, 0.049067674327418015, 0.0)
>>> hp.pix2vec(16, [1440,  427])
(array([ 0.99913157,  0.5000534 ]), array([ 0.       ,  0.5000534]), array([ 0.04166667,  0.70703125]))
>>> hp.pix2vec([1, 2], 11)
(array([ 0.52704628,  0.68861915]), array([-0.52704628, -0.28523539]), array([-0.66666667,  0.66666667]))

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