
class healpy.projector.SphericalProj(rot=None, coord=None, flipconv=None, **kwds)

This class defines functions for spherical projection.

This class contains class method for spherical projection computation. It should not be instantiated. It should be inherited from and methods should be overloaded for desired projection.


ang2xy(theta[, phi, lonlat, direct]) From angular direction to position in the projection plane (%s).
get_center([lonlat]) Get the center of the projection.
get_extent() Get the extension of the projection plane.
get_fov() Get the field of view in degree of the plane of projection
ij2xy([i, j]) From image array indices to position in projection plane (%s).
projmap(map, vec2pix_func[, rot, coord]) Create an array containing the projection of the map.
set_flip(flipconv) flipconv is either ‘astro’ or ‘geo’. None will be default.
vec2xy(vx[, vy, vz, direct]) From unit vector direction to position in the projection plane (%s).
xy2ang(x[, y, lonlat, direct]) From position in the projection plane to angular direction (%s).
xy2ij(x[, y]) From position in the projection plane to image array index (%s).
xy2vec(x[, y, direct]) From position in the projection plane to unit vector direction (%s).