Installation procedure for Healpy


Healpy depends on the Healpix C++ and cfitsio C libraries. Source code is include with Healpy and you do not have to install them separately.

Building against external Healpix and cfitsio

Healpy uses pkg-config to detect the presence of the Healpix and cfitsio libraries. pkg-config is available on most systems. If you do not have pkg-config installed, then Healpy will download and use (but not install) a Python clone called pykg-config.

If you want to provide your own external builds of Healpix and cfitsio, then download the following packages:

If you are going to install the packages in a nonstandard location (say, –prefix=/path/to/local), then you should set the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/local/lib/pkgconfig when building. No other environment variable settings are necessary, and you do not need to set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to use Healpy after you have built it.

Then, unpack each of the above packages and build them with the usual ‘configure; make; make install’ recipe.


cd healpy
python build
sudo python install

If everything goes fine, you can test it:

cd build/lib*
ipython -pylab
>>> import healpy as H
>>> H.mollview(arange(12))

or run the test suite with nose:

nosetests -v

If the plot looks good, you can install:

sudo python install  # install in default location, need root rights


python install --install-lib=~/Softs/Python # will install healpy in directory ~/Softs/Python, which then must be in your PYTHONPATH


python install --user # will install it in your User python directory (python >= 2.6)

Known issues

  • Incompatibility with cfitisio from HEASOFT: due to a conflict of header file names it is currently not possible to use the cfitsio library provided with the HEASOFT package for compilation of Healpix C++. HEASOFT’s include directory contains a file called “rotmatrix.h” which clashes with Healpix’s own rotmatrix.h.
  • Compilation problems in the C++ package: some gcc versions (we have reports for 4.4.5 and 4.4.6) crash with an internal compiler error during compilation of libsharp. Unfortunately we have not found a workaround for this compiler problem. To our knowledge, it has been fixed in gcc 4.4.7 and in the 4.5.x and newer versions.

Development install

Developers building from a snapshot of the github repository need:
  • cython > 0.14
  • run git submodule init and git submodule update to get the healpix sources

the best way to install healpy if you plan to develop is to build the C++ extensions in place with:

python build_ext --inplace

the add the healpy/healpy folder to your PYTHONPATH


When you run “python”, temporary build products are placed in the “build” directory. If you want to clean out and remove the “build” directory, then run:

python clean --all

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