Installation procedure for Healpy

  • Note: Healpix is included, so you don’t need to get it separately


  • Healpy needs HEALPix. You can either:
  • let Healpy build its own HEALPix library from the source code included in this package (the default behavior) or
  • use an existing installation : Either define the environment variable HEALPIX_EXT_PREFIX where to find the healpix libraries and include files (eg /usr/local, so that /usr/local/include/healpix_base.h and /usr/local/lib/libhealpix_cxx.a exist)
  • Healpix needs cfitsio. You can either:
  • use an existing installation : Either define the environment variable CFITSIO_EXT_PREFIX where to find the cfitsio library and include file (eg /usr/local, so that /usr/local/include/fitsio.h and /usr/local/lib/libcfitsio.a exists), CFITSIO_EXT_INC and CFITSIO_EXT_LIB are not supported since healpy 1.4.1
  • compile a specific cfitsio lib: Define EXTERNAL_CFITSIO=no, place the cfitsioXXXX.tar.gz in hpbeta/libcfitsio before installing. The cfitsio version XXXX must match the version in hpbeta/planck.make (or you need to modify it there).
  • the psht spherical transform library is integrated into healpy with the

pshyt cython wrapper. a pregenerated c code is included in the repository, but if you have cython installed it will be run in the build phase.


$ cd healpy $ python build

OR, if you do not want OpenMP support (sometimes, it causes SegFault)

$ python build –without-openmp (alternatively, you can define the environment variable HEALPY_WITHOUT_OPENMP)

If you do not want the “-march=native” flag (if your g++ is too old)

$ python build –without-native (alternatively, you can define the environment variable HEALPY_WITHOUT_NATIVE)

If everything goes fine, you can give a test: $ cd build/lib* $ ipython -pylab >>> import healpy as H >>> H.mollview(arange(12)) >>>

or run the test suite with nose:

nosetests -v

If the plot looks good, you can install: $ sudo python install # install in default location, need root rights or $ python install –install-lib=~/Softs/Python # will install healpy in directory ~/Softs/Python, which then must be in your PYTHONPATH or $ python install –user # will install it in your User python directory (python >= 2.6)

Compile on OSX

Suggested compilation on OSX Lion is installing pyfits, cython and cfitsio using mac ports and run: >>> python –without-openmp

Known issues

  • Incompatibility with cfitisio from HEASOFT: due to a conflict of header file names it is currently not possible to use the cfitsio library provided with the HEASOFT package for compilation of Healpix C++. HEASOFT’s include directory contains a file called “rotmatrix.h” which clashes with Healpix’s own rotmatrix.h.

Development install

the best way to install healpy if you plan to develop is to build the C++ extensions in place with:

python build_ext –inplace

the add the healpy/healpy folder to your PYTHONPATH


When you run “python”, temporary build products are placed in the “build” directory. If you want to clean out and remove the “build” directory, then run:

python clean –all

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